Phase Noise and Noise Figure Analyzers - phase noise is the frequency domain representation of rapid, short-term, random fluctuations in the phase of a waveform, caused by time domain instabilities ("jitter") each of your components add noise that affects the overall performance of your receiver.
For more in depth information about Phase noise analyzers, read our blog post here:
Description |
Microchip (Microsemi) | 3120A | Phase Noise Test Probe | DETAILS | |
Keysight / Agilent | 346A | Noise Source, 10 MHz - 18 GHz | DETAILS | |
Keysight / Agilent | 346B | Noise Source, 10 MHz - 18 GHz | DETAILS | |
Keysight / Agilent | 346C | Noise Source, 10 MHz - 26.5 GHz | DETAILS | |
Microchip (Microsemi) | 5125A | Phase Noise and Allan Deviation Test Set, 1 - 400 MHz | DETAILS | |
Microchip (Microsemi) | 53100A | Phase Noise and Allan Deviation Tester, 1 to 200 MHz | DETAILS | |
Berkeley Nucleonics | 7070 | Signal Source Analyzer, 5 MHz - 7 GHz (Phase Noise / Allan Deviation) | DETAILS | |
Berkeley Nucleonics | 7300 | Signal Source Analyzer, 5 MHz - 26 GHz (Phase Noise / Allan Deviation) | DETAILS | |
Berkeley Nucleonics | 7340 | Signal Source Analyzer, 5 MHz - 40 GHz (Phase Noise / Allan Deviation) | DETAILS | |
Keysight / Agilent | 8970B | Noise Figure Meter, 10 MHz - 1.6 GHz (2 GHz) | DETAILS | |
Keysight / Agilent | 8971C | Noise Figure Test Set, 10 MHz - 26.5 GHz | DETAILS | |
Keysight / Agilent | E5052A | SSA Signal Source Analyzer, 10 MHz - 7 GHz | DETAILS | |
Keysight / Agilent | E5052B | SSA Signal Source Analyzer, 10 MHz - 7 GHz | DETAILS | |
Keysight / Agilent | E5053A | Microwave Downconverter, 3 GHz - 26.5 GHz, or 110 GHz | DETAILS | |
Keysight / Agilent | E5055A | SSA-X Signal Source Analyzer, 1 MHz - 8 GHz | DETAILS | |
Keysight / Agilent | E5503B | Phase Noise Analyzer, 50 kHz - 18 GHz | DETAILS | |
Rohde & Schwarz | FSPN26 | Phase Noise Analyzer and VCO Tester, 1 MHz - 26.5 GHz | DETAILS | |
Rohde & Schwarz | FSPN8 | Phase Noise Analyzer and VCO Tester, 1 MHz - 8 GHz | DETAILS | |
Rohde & Schwarz | FSUP26 | Signal Source Analyzer, 20 Hz - 26.5 GHz | DETAILS | |
Rohde & Schwarz | FSUP50 | Signal Source Analyzer, 20 Hz - 50 GHz | DETAILS | |
Rohde & Schwarz | FSWP26 | Phase Noise Analyzer, 1 MHz to 26.5 GHz | DETAILS | |
Rohde & Schwarz | FSWP50 | Phase Noise Analyzer, 1 MHz to 50 GHz | DETAILS | |
Rohde & Schwarz | FSWP8 | Phase Noise Analyzer, 1 MHz to 8 GHz | DETAILS | |
Holzworth | HA7062C | Real Time Phase Noise Analyzer, 10 MHz - 20 GHz | DETAILS | |
Holzworth | HA7062D | Real Time Phase Noise Analyzer, 10 MHz - 26.6 GHz (optionally 40 GHz) | DETAILS |