
Tektronix Encore

Hipot Testers

Electrical Test and Power Analyzers > Hipot Testers

The dielectric voltage-withstanding test, which is more commonly known as a hipot test, provides a way to stress the electrical insulation far beyond the levels that it would experience during normal operation. The test, which can be performed with either AC or DC voltage, applies a very high voltage in search of breakdowns in a product’s electrical insulation. Some amount of leakage current will flow due to the high applied voltage, and a hipot tester can typically detect the leakage current according to a tuned or programmed leakage current threshold limit, which is often according to a value specified by an electrical safety agency’s standards.

Learn more about AC and DC Hipot testers, including specific examples of equipment on our blog post "Taking Proper Measure To Ensure Safer Products".


Learn which testers to use for your next project in Electrical Safety Testing by reading our blog posts here:



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Vitrek 951I Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer, 6KV AC/DC/IR/LR Vitrek 951I Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer, 6KV AC/DC/IR/LR DETAILS
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Vitrek 953I Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer, 11KV AC/DC/IR/LR Vitrek 953I Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer, 11KV AC/DC/IR/LR DETAILS
Vitrek 954I Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer, 11KV DC 6KV AC/IR/GB/LR Vitrek 954I Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer, 11KV DC 6KV AC/IR/GB/LR DETAILS
Vitrek 955I Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer, 11KV DC 10KV AC/IR/LR Vitrek 955I Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer, 11KV DC 10KV AC/IR/LR DETAILS
Vitrek 957I Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer, 15KV DC 6KV AC/IR/LR Vitrek 957I Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer, 15KV DC 6KV AC/IR/LR DETAILS
Vitrek V73 Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer, 5 KV, AC/DC/IR/LR Vitrek V73 Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer, 5 KV, AC/DC/IR/LR DETAILS
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Quadtech / IET GUARDIAN 5000 AC/DC/IR/GC Electrical Safety Analyzer Quadtech / IET GUARDIAN 5000 AC/DC/IR/GC Electrical Safety Analyzer DETAILS
Quadtech / IET GUARDIAN 500VA PLUS Hipot Analyzer, 500VA Output, 5kV AC, 6kV DC Quadtech / IET GUARDIAN 500VA PLUS Hipot Analyzer, 500VA Output, 5kV AC, 6kV DC DETAILS
Quadtech / IET GUARDIAN 6000 Electrical Safety Analyzer Quadtech / IET GUARDIAN 6000 Electrical Safety Analyzer DETAILS
Quadtech / IET GUARDIAN 6100 PLUS Medical Electrical Safety Analyzer Quadtech / IET GUARDIAN 6100 PLUS Medical Electrical Safety Analyzer DETAILS
Megger (AVO Biddle) 220015 15kV HiPot Tester Megger (AVO Biddle) 220015 15kV HiPot Tester DETAILS
Megger (AVO Biddle) ADX-15 Automated Static Motor Analyzer, 15 kV Megger (AVO Biddle) ADX-15 Automated Static Motor Analyzer, 15 kV DETAILS
Megger (AVO Biddle) ADX-15-RLC Automated Static Motor Analyzer w/ RLC, 15 kV Megger (AVO Biddle) ADX-15-RLC Automated Static Motor Analyzer w/ RLC, 15 kV DETAILS
Megger (AVO Biddle) ADX-15-RLC-PD Automated Static Motor Analyzer w/ RLC & PD, 15 kV Megger (AVO Biddle) ADX-15-RLC-PD Automated Static Motor Analyzer w/ RLC & PD, 15 kV DETAILS
Megger (AVO Biddle) MIT1025 10 kV Diagnostic DC Insulation Resistance Tester Megger (AVO Biddle) MIT1025 10 kV Diagnostic DC Insulation Resistance Tester DETAILS
Megger (AVO Biddle) MIT1525 15kV DC Insulation Resistance Tester Megger (AVO Biddle) MIT1525 15kV DC Insulation Resistance Tester DETAILS
Megger (AVO Biddle) MIT30 30kV High Voltage Insulation Tester Megger (AVO Biddle) MIT30 30kV High Voltage Insulation Tester DETAILS
Megger (AVO Biddle) MIT525 5 kV Diagnostic DC Insulation Resistance Tester Megger (AVO Biddle) MIT525 5 kV Diagnostic DC Insulation Resistance Tester DETAILS
Megger (AVO Biddle) PAT450 Portable Appliance Tester Megger (AVO Biddle) PAT450 Portable Appliance Tester DETAILS
Instek GPT-9804 Electrical Safety Tester, 5kV AC, 6kV DC, Ground Bond, Resistance Instek GPT-9804 Electrical Safety Tester, 5kV AC, 6kV DC, Ground Bond, Resistance DETAILS
HT Instruments MACROTEST G2 Insulation, Resistance, Ground Resistance Tester HT Instruments MACROTEST G2 Insulation, Resistance, Ground Resistance Tester DETAILS
Hipotronics 100HVT AC Hipot Tester, 100kVA, 50mA or 50kVA, 100mA Hipotronics 100HVT AC Hipot Tester, 100kVA, 50mA or 50kVA, 100mA DETAILS

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Brenda S.
Loveland, CO

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