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Audio Precision SYS-2522A
System Two Cascade Audio Analyzer, Dual Domain

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Manufacturer: Audio Precision
Model: SYS-2522A

Audio Precision SYS-2522A System Two Cascade Audio Analyzer, Dual Domain

Electronic Test and Measurement Equipment

Audio Precision SYS-2522A System Two Cascade Audio Analyzer, Dual Domain Product Datasheet Download Product Datasheet

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Product Overview

The Audio Precision System Two Cascade model SYS-2522A offers enhanced DSP power for handling higher industry standard sampling rates (96 kHz and 192 kHz) as well as for faster and more flexible audio measurement techniques. Cascaded digital signal processors provide roughly 6x the overall processing DSP power of standard System Two. More memory provides 10 times the FFT capacity of standard System Two. Internal and global memory brings features such as simultaneous acquire and transform of FFTs, and signal acquisitions as long as 5.4 seconds at 48 kHz. Cascade features continuous sample rate coverage from 8k to 200k, as well as support for 96k and 192k consumer and professional audio sampling rates. Cascade also includes new converters with increased bandwidth and performance for DSP-based measurements.

Features of the System Two SYS-2522A Audio Analyzer Cascade include:

System Two+DSP® analog domain test set with all of the analog capability of the analog System Two SYS-2022A, plus DSP modules for generation and analysis of multitone signals (FASTTEST®), FFT spectrum analysis, waveform display, MLS (maximum length sequence) quasi-anechoic acoustic testing, objective testing of reduced bit-rate coders, and a sophisticated individual Harmonic Distortion Analyzer. In addition to the analog generator and analyzer, DSP generated signals (including stereo sine, dual sine, variable phase sine, shaped burst and IMD) are available, as well as a dual channel DSP Audio Analyzer with two AC reading meters, two AC level meters and two phase meters.

In addition to the above capabilitities, digital domain signal generation and analysis capability via digital input and output in the AES/EBU (balanced and unbalanced) and consumer (coaxial and optical) formats, plus parallel, and general purpose serial I/O are included. The SYS-2522A includes the most complete AES/EBU and consumer digital interface stimulus and measurement capability in the industry (INTERVU) and digital data testing (BITTEST). With Dual Domain architecture, the analog hardware generator and analog hardware analyzer for analog domain devices are separate and independent from DSP modules which stimulate and analyze digital domain devices via both single and dual connector digital audio interface.



I just wanted to say thank you. You guys are constantly dealing with our outrageous (and sometimes off the wall) demands and requests with the upmost care and professionalism. You guys are quick and give a level of quality that you dont often see, it is refreshing and a wonderful feeling to know that you guys have our backs.

-- Tony B.
Carlsbad, CA

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We received the unit today. Thank you for this. Your team did an excellent job.

Bruce D.
Phoenix, AZ

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